Smoothing Effects of Coconut Water

By | Aug 11, 2016

Coconut water is extremely nutritious providing the body with electrolytes and an ample supply of antioxidants that give the body with much more than plain water. The light flavor and smooth texture is an easy addition to just about any smoothie. Tropical flavors lend themselves well to the slight bit of coconut essence. Whether protein shake based, vegetables, or fruity variations, it ‘s a great boost ingredient for extra nutritional value.

Pineapple, orange, and frozen banana are excellent companions for the smooth beverage. This shake is rich with vitamin C and potassium as well as having a great tropical flavor. Delicious and nutritious as well as made from ingredients that are easy to find in any grocery store.

Apple, carrot, and ginger also make for a fantastic smoothie when blended with pure and natural coconut water. This one is also fantastic when a little cayenne is added for those who like heat. Blend all ingredients well in a Vita-mix or other high quality blender since the fibrous nature of these ingredients requires a powerful blender.

For the veggie lovers, Goddess Green Juice can be made with just about any vegetables you like along with coconut water. Some really popular combinations are kale, spinach and cucumber. This works out best when some spices, or vegetable broth are used to add flavor. For those who need to lighten up the green flavors, the addition of apples or carrots can be fantastic. For those looking for more green power the addition of algae can really boost the healthy qualities of the smoothie.

Smoothies can be made from frozen coconut water that has been placed into ice-cube trays for a cold, or slushy like texture. Or can be mixed in warm so the smoothie can be eaten more like a soup as a side dish, or poured over salads as a healthy alternative to dressing.  The possibilities are essentially endless and the ingredient combinations are limited only by your individual tastes.

Try combining in a few fresh herbs, or spices that provide additional health benefits that fit your needs. Onions, garlic and other members of their family can be detoxifying, ginger is great for digestive problems and parsley is an excellent ingredient to assist with bad breath and body odor problems. Food is fuel and can be medicinal for the body. Choosing quality fuel ensures the longevity and health of your body over the long haul.  Making the discovery of how tasty and beneficial good quality healthy food choices can be is often surprising since most people think to be healthy something has to taste nasty.

Category: Health

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