Remote learning is a new developing phenomenon for everyone. It is not like that it has been discovered recently but before this pandemic, only a few people who had some other limitation preferred remote learning. But due to COVID-19, almost all the educational establishments have opted for remote learning during the lockdown. So now students learn how to learn online, send their homework via mail, and ask the universe “I need someone to write a paper for me!”. It’s not that easy for them. But what about teachers, who need to pass the knowledge in these conditions?
The major challenge for the teacher during online classes is to keep their students engaged and interested in the lectures. It is a tough task because a teacher is unable to see what their students are doing behind the screen. The following are some tips that will help you as a teacher to keep your students engaged in distance learning.

Start With Students:
Always start with the students asking about their well-being and if they are doing it even though it is not your job but as a teacher. You need to become a teacher for them what you have needed if you were a child in this pandemic. It gives them a sense of connectivity and relatedness. As other than asking your students you cannot help them if they are going through difficult times but as a teacher checking with your students is crucial whenever you get an opportunity.
Try to address their needs related to study and mental health in every possible way. Starting a class with a student telling you about themselves and their reality and needs will keep them active and engaged at the start of class.
The next thing you need to do as a remote teacher in distance learning is to keep things simple and easy. The content of the curriculum should be simple and easy. Simplify your teaching method as much as you can. Let your students show in class what they have learned will help you to keep them engaged.
As you need to keep things simple, it has become more important to prioritize key concepts and skills of the curriculum that you think are necessary for students to learn. Simple methods and contents eliminate the boredom factor that can affect students.
Be the Lead Learner:
In remote teaching, showing your student how they adapt better learning is critical as distance learning is a new thing for many students and teachers. As a teacher, it has become your responsibility to become a lead learner so students can get familiar with distance learning.
As a teacher, you need to let your students how they can be active and curious in this new learning environment for everyone.
Students Participation:
The next tip for remote teachers to keep their students engaged in distance learning is to encourage their participation. You can design lessons in such a way that have activities for students. You can use different games and music that are integrated with subject lessons in such a way that increase the interest of the student. Making learning fun and exciting activity encourages students to participate in the classroom.
Privacy of Each Student:
It is not simple but important for the teachers to ensure that the privacy of each student is protected.