4 Tips to posting content that makes others want to share

By | Feb 11, 2018

Content sharing is one way through which you can create more awareness for your products. It is therefore important to learn how to share your content widely. The trick is to learn what motivates people to share content. If you do so, then you will find that your content gets shared widely. It will reach more people and this is good for your business, website or sales of your products.

You can learn more about these tips online at mattbrandenburg.com. It is also good to ensure that you produce relevant content. People find it easier to share relevant content that benefits them and others.

Here are 4 tips on how to post content that makes others want to share;

  1. Do a research on trending topics

If you research on trending topics, you can easily learn a few tips on what makes some content get more shares. You may then apply the same techniques when posting the content. This will help you get more shares. There are special marketing companies that can help you with such info. A small research online will also help you discover what makes others want to share content. Through a research, you will get a comprehensive report on shares per social media networks. This can help you make decisions on the best way to share your content for more shares

  1. Make it easy for blog visitors to share content

The audience will share content that takes minimal effort to share. As such, make your content easier to share. You should learn a few tips on how to make content sharing easier. The basic tip is to include a share button directly below the content. It is good to use the social share plugins in your content. This will make it easier for the audience to share.

  1. The visual interest aspect

If you want more shares of the content that you post, take measures to capture the attention of the audience. One way to do so is to attach high-quality images to your posts. You should aim to post custom images that showcase your brand. Remember to put a headline that captures the audience interest. It is the audience who will share the content. If the content is appealing to them, then definitely they are likely to share it as well.

  1. Target influencers

Influencers are able to reach more audience since they already have a large audience. Well, if you want to get more shares of your content, include the influencers on your posts. There are a few ways through which you can get influencers to share your content. First, give them free publicity. You should also aim to visit their favorite sites frequently. Another tip is to ask the influencers to share your content. If you create high-quality content that is relevant to the influencer’s audience, they will definitely share. The audience will also share the content hence your content will get more shares.

The above four tips can help you post content that makes others want to share. Remember to also post your content at appropriate times, and make it more interesting. As much as possible, ensure that your content can easily be found on various online platforms. Through a few tips on search engine optimization, then it will be possible for the audience to easily find your content and share it.

Category: General

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